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Teleneurology Education: Pediatric Teleneurology

    Teleneurology Education: Pediatric Teleneurology
    Course Description
    This is a 3-part webinar series will help you gain and improve clinicians’ confidence to perform a high-quality neurologic exam via telehealth. Instructional videos will demonstrate how to conduct a virtual neurologic exam and counsel patients. By the end of the webinar series, you will be able to:
    • Confidently conduct a basic neurologic exam on pediatric and adult patients via telehealth (mental status assessment, cranial nerves, motor system, reflexes, sensory system, station and gait, and coordination)
    • Efficiently instruct patients and telepresenters to position themselves and cameras for specific exam components to enhance evaluation.
    • Understand the possibilities, limitations, and common misconceptions about telehealth for neurologic evaluation and diagnosis.

    This webinar series is sponsored by Lilly.

    Chapter 2, Part 1: Preparing for a Pediatric Virtual Visit
    By the end of this chapter segment, you will be able to:
    • Identify the advantages of telehealth for pediatric patients.
    • Understand how to avoid common obstacles that prevent facilitating a successful pediatric exam via telehealth.
    Chapter 2, Part 2: Considerations for Virtual Pediatric Headache Visits
    By the end of this chapter segment, you will be able to:
    • Recognize how the accepted benefits and limitations of telehealth apply to patients living with headache diseases.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the data collected from the accrued years of telehealth in headache care.
    • Apply tips for success in providing headache care via virtual visits.

    October 24, 2023
    Confidentiality of Data
    All material © American Academy of Neurology Institute unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. See complete Terms of Use.
    Faculty & Disclosures

    Jessica Gautreaux, MD, FAAN
    Director, Children's Hospital Headache Clinic
    Associate Professor, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
    **Dr. Gautreaux has received honoraria as a speaker for education programming from the American Headache Society.

    Nassim Zecavati, MD, FAAN
    Director of Epilepsy, Children's Hospital of Richmond
    Associate Professor of Neurology, Virginia Commonwealth University
    *Dr. Zecavati has received honoraria as a speaker for education programming from the AAN and the American Medical Association.

    *Relationship Disclosure

    Planners & Disclosures

    Michaela Read
    Telehealth and Practice Program Manager
    American Academy of Neurology
    *Ms. Read has no disclosures relevant to this webinar.

    Hiyana Yang, CPPM
    Policy and Practice Education Program Manager
    American Academy of Neurology
    *Ms. Yang has no disclosures relevant to this webinar.

    *Relationship Disclosure