NeuroBytes: Navigating Conflict with Surrogate Decision Makers: A Palliative Care Approach

NeuroBytes: Navigating Conflict with Surrogate Decision Makers: A Palliative Care Approach

Course Description

Conflict among surrogate decision makers and care teams are particularly difficult to navigate. While both parties’ goals are to provide the most appropriate care for the patient, a multitude of complexities confound achieving this goal. Additionally, failing to effectively navigate conflict can lead to inappropriate care that does not align with the patient’s values. In this video, we aim to present helpful and effective strategies in communicating through conflicts from the perspective of palliative medicine.

Learning Objectives

As a result of this program the learner will be able to:
  • Formulate an approach to serious conversations, ensuring that treatment options align with patients’ goals and values, even in the face of conflict between patients and their surrogate decision makers.

Date of Release

September 16, 2022

Confidentiality of Data

All material © American Academy of Neurology Institute unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. See complete Terms of Use.

Faculty & Disclosures

Clinical Instructor and Honorary Fellow in Medical Education
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Madison, WI
*Dr. Rubinson has nothing to disclose.


Assistant Professor of Neurology and Medicine
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Madison, WI
*Dr. Baker has nothing to disclose.


Clinical Assistant Professor, Emory Nell Hodgson
Woodruff School of Nursing
Nurse Practitioner, Emory Brain Health Center
Atlanta, GA
*Dr. Cook has nothing to disclose.

NeuroBytes Staff

Zach Cramer, eLearning Program Manager
Minneapolis, MN
*Mr. Cramer has nothing to disclose.

Robert Rook, Program Manager, eLearning Design
Minneapolis, MN
*Mr. Rook has nothing to disclose.

Sulia Altenberg, eLearning Coordinator
Minneapolis, MN
*Ms. Altenberg has nothing to disclose.

*Relationship Disclosure